Emerald City Comic Con: A Recap

Phew! I think I (and by that, I mean my feet) have finally recovered from this year’s Emerald City Comic Con. Hubby and I had a blast, as usual. This was our third year attending ECCC, so we’ve become accustomed to the crowds and looooong lines of waiting. I also enjoyed debuting my Redshirt shoes (thanks everyone for voting on the design, btw!):


The R2-D2 shoes were very sleepy after the Con, though:


We had a blast meeting our favorite stars from Star Trek, Firefly and Buffy*, however, my favorite moment was meeting Bonnie Burton and Anne Wheaton (wife of Wil). Bonne is an author, journalist and geek craft extraordinaire. These lovely women have created #VandalEyes, which basically involves putting googlie eyes in the most awesome of places. They teamed up with Espionage Cosmetics to create some even more awesome VandalEyes nail wraps (which I’m kicking myself for not getting, but I opted for the Star Trek ones instead since they matched my Redshirt shoes–see above).

[Sidebar: As previously mentioned, I have created an Etsy shop for my super nerdy shoes and jewelry called Nerdly Goodness. Okay, now back to your regularly scheduled post.]

Anywho, I was super-excited to show off my R2-D2 shoes to Bonnie and Anne. They both loved them, and Bonne even took a picture that she then both Tweeted and Instagramed (can I use Instagram as a verb? Maybe it has two m’s…). I also got to chat with Bonnie a bit about crafting in general and she gave me some great tips about chain mailling (use gloves!). It’s so weird: I’ve become accustomed to “meeting”** celebrities at Cons and remembering that they’re normal people too and being able to have conversations with them, so it was odd for me to have such a giddy reaction to talking with Bonnie. I was on cloud 9 for the rest of the weekend, ask Hubby.

*Hubby was in heaven as Eliza Dushku loved his Smallville jacket

**meeting = A 5-second fly by while you smile and have your picture taken and have possible hand contact. Autographs are a 20-30 second interaction.